Pirate Of The Caribbean Tab How Do You Play Power Chords Where You Skip A String In The Middle?

How do you play power chords where you skip a string in the middle? - pirate of the caribbean tab

So, I'm new to play guitar and this can be a very stupid question, but how electrical cables to jump, rope, if you're in the middle? (ie http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/tabs/m/misc_soundtrack/pirates_of_the_caribbean_-_hes_a_pirate_acoustic_tab.htm after the introduction of banknotes Box 5 of the Series A, which was then the 7th fret on the field G and the 5 . A.)


gtarczar said...

It is a power cable is an octave. When playing this way octave let his finger in the chain of contact between what is being cut.
Index plays the root note and the following string cut, remove key octave. It is a common technique, and the furniture of the entire Council of the fingers.

Saul said...

gtarczar 1

I personally use my ring worry about the note octave. I rest my forefinger on the support of the string, so no sound.


Rory~ Negative Creep said...

Use your middle finger of his silence.

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