Lump On Throat From Heat Chest Pain From Smoking And Coughing?

Chest pain from smoking and coughing? - lump on throat from heat

Well first, if I smoke marijuana, I'm not here to tell the people: "Quit smoking marijuana is bad, blah, blah" I ask for help. Not what is your vision marijuana.

Well, I was sick since 6 February with an infection of the upper chest and ear infection. I have all the antibiotics and anti-sense right now. Well, last weekend I was smoking, and I hit a water line and coughed hard. Well, since then I have pain in the chest. It feels like muscle pain, but I'm not sure.

Continue like an idiot, smoke, and he does worst, should take one weeks or so long break, I (now).

I wonder what can be? Do you believe that your muscles tense for much of the cough / drive? Sometimes it feels as if I had a lump in my throat, which is rare. I have severe pain for more than just annoying pain then nothing. It feels better with a hot compress or hot water.

I'm 19 / M



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